
It is impossible for an expansion-minded company to reach into new markets if its engagement with its clientele is disrupted. By matching the brand to the customers through language-based interactions, customer acquisition and retention are much easier to achieve.

Vietnam is on the verge of developing and reaching economic stability, and Open Access BPO cannot ignore the country’s potential to become one of Asia’s most aggressive economies.

For Open Access BPO, bridging the gap between emerging businesses and their large Vietnamese-speaking customer base is one of the ways to become part of the Vietnamese market’s overall transformation. We believe that this bridge is none other than excellent customer service delivered in the Vietnamese language.

The Vietnamese-speaking population may appear small when compared to other Asian markets, but in reality, the Vietnamese language is spoken by over 75 million locals. Outside of Vietnam, it is also spoken largely in China, Cambodia, and the Czech Republic where it is considered an important minority language. This staggering fact has prompted Open Access BPO to double its efforts in providing quality customer service to businesses that wish to get a firm grasp of their Vietnamese-speaking clientele.

Bringing you closer to your Vietnamese-speaking customers

As a seasoned outsourcing company, Open Access BPO has long proven its capability to deliver quality service to Asian countries, and it aims to make a difference in propelling the Vietnamese customer service industry into a higher plane. Our portfolio of solutions includes inbound customer service, technical support, back office solutions, and performance-driven sales.

For Vietnamese Call Center services, contact us today and let Open Access BPO be the outsourcing answer to your Vietnamese clients’ needs.


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