Multimedia Moderation

People across the world are spending long hours every day, consuming, sharing, and creating multimedia content.

Video and audio streaming services have become their go-to sources of news, entertainment, and education. Online communities, social media sites, and blogs have also enabled their users to share multimedia content on their platforms, letting them convey a message and educate or entertain each other.

Companies, however, need to be cautious with the kinds of multimedia content people post on their websites or blogs. Videos and audio content containing misinformation and offensive footage can affect their reputation and discourage people from supporting their brand.

With Open Access BPO’s Content Moderation services, you can be sure your online properties are safe from any intrusive multimedia content. It’s cost-effective, operates 24/7, and is easily scalable, letting you grow your team of discerning Content Moderators based on your needs.


We also moderate these kinds of content

Image Moderation

Social Media Moderation

Multimedia Moderation

Image Moderation

Image moderation services assure your online presence and digital domains are kept safe from fraud and ill-advised content.

Social Media Moderation

In this digital world, companies bank on an online presence that is aligned with their values and branding to boost customer loyalty and satisfaction.

Multimedia Moderation

Our multimedia moderators are dedicated to keep your online properties safe from fraudulent and offensive audio and video content.

We'll help you focus on improving your processes for greater long-term results.