Social media marketing thrives on online engagements and conversations between customers and brands. Marketers utilizing this modern marketing tool can never find success if they don t understand the value of human connections. Without actual conversations, the customers online engagement with the brand becomes passive and uninspiring.
No matter how visible you may be on Facebook or any other social networking site, if you re not propagating any interaction with your customers, then you re not really gaining anything. Here are some probable reasons why your social media content is falling short in striking conversations with your audience:
1. Your social media content looks boring.
If your posts aren’t visually appealing, they’re most likely going to be ignored by readers. Posts that are text-heavy or accompanied by dull images won t grab the attention of social media users whose Facebook News Feed are flooded by other marketing materials. That s why it s also important to add variety to your content. Once in a while, you can share striking and colorful images, infographics, or videos that bring life to your marketing message.
2. Your content isn’t share-worthy.
The posts that garner the most number of likes, comments, or shares on Facebook are usually the ones that people would like to share with their own circles. These are commonly posts that inspire, elicit strong emotions, and are relatable. It s important that you know which type of posts people look forward to seeing on their News Feed. Read the content that your followers share. Browse through the trending posts on Facebook. Studying your customers online activity will help you come up with share-worthy and interesting posts.
3. You re not starting a conversation.
People won t talk to you on Facebook if you re not asking them relevant questions. It s always good to ask people to share their opinions on things or even their personal experiences. This is your way to start a dialogue with your customers. Questions don t necessarily have to be heavy and serious; they can be fun and light-hearted. They must, however, be within your industry s niche. Remember, you re still promoting your brand, so you can t just post random or generic questions.
4. Your content isn’t valuable to them.
There s a reason why people follow you or like your page on Facebook. They want to know the latest news and updates about your products or services. If the things that you share on social media aren t what your followers are expecting to hear from you, then they will stop keeping track of your Facebook activity. Posts about your recent promotions, discounts, contests, and new merchandise are examples of content that keep users engaged.
5. You’re not telling users what to do next.
Calls-to-actions (CTA) prompts are important because some users won t have an idea what to do next after reading your post. Telling them to go to your website, ask a question, submit an entry, or leave a comment will urge them to engage further with your brand. CTA prompts must never sound too pushy or sales-driven, otherwise, people will start ignoring your posts or block them from their News Feed.
The key ingredient to social media marketing success is user engagement. Conversations help you build relationship with your customers online. In order to start a dialogue with your customers, your content must be interesting and relevant to them. With consistent user engagement, you can execute your branding strategy better, spread awareness, and attract more prospective customers to your Facebook Page.