Nowadays, getting the Internet to work to your marketing advantage is more than a challenge—it s a necessity. This online revolution is happening alongside the collective preference for digital devices as information gatekeepers. But can your online strategies keep up with digitally savvy customers?
As one of the primary customer touchpoints, your company website should provide all information that online visitors may need. Your site is the most powerful platform where you can launch online customer support and implement customer engagement strategies. But before you proceed with these two, you should first pay attention to how efficient your web design is in facilitating customers’ online experience.
Take note of the following five traits that make your site customer centric.
1. Easy to navigate
Easy navigation is the most important principle behind a customer-centric website. A user can readily recognize whether a site is easy to use or not if it looks clean and organized. Are tabs clearly identified and conveniently placed? Do labels accurately describe the type of content they contain? Adding links, social media buttons for sharing, and search functions can also improve users’ browsing experience. A disorganized site, on the other hand, may leave you with frustrated customers.
2. Mobile-friendly
Earlier this year, Google started rolling out its mobile-friendly update, which boosts the ranking of mobile-friendly sites on search results. Developers can check whether a URL qualifies using this tool .
Making your site suitable for mobile devices will not only boost your search engine optimization (SEO) strategy, it also makes you more accessible for your existing consumers and easier for potential new customers to find.
3. Contains how-to guidelines
As a form of online customer support, how-to articles guide customers when it comes to product issues or troubleshooting procedures. In addition, you can write tips about how users can maximize the use of your products. Organizing forums where your customers can discuss anything related to your services is also a good way to create an online community. This can potentially minimize the number of calls you receive as customers can just search for solutions through your website.
4. Points visitors to contact details
A good web design emphasizes the most important parts of your site. As your customers’ lifeline, your contact information must be clearly detailed on your site. In your “Contact Us” section, it’s better to include multiple channels such as your email address, phone, and social media pages.
5. Open to customer feedback
One of the many customer engagement strategies that you can implement online is a feedback gathering mechanism. You can solicit customers’ opinions by asking them to rate your products or services, post one-question polls, or even let them submit reply forms. Aside from letting you discover what makes your customers tick, these simple strategies will let them know that you care about their experience as users.
Web design ensures that your website carries an interface that connects customers to information about your products, services, and your identity as a brand. Putting enough attention to your website can build your reputation and help you gain loyal customers who will keep coming back for what you can offer. Make sure to optimize your online capabilities to unleash your business true potential in the digital industry.