Why you need customer service

OABPO Blog Team Published on July 5, 2013
Customer Support

Customer service is one of the most important aspects of businesses. Lee Resource Inc. says that 91% of unsatisfied customers will tell 9 to 15 people about their negative experience. If the experience was particularly difficult, then 13% of unhappy customers will tell more than 20 peopleĀ about their ordeals. With a lot riding on these figures, it only goes to show how companies need to please customers and retain their business to increase cross- and up-selling opportunities to improve the bottom line.

Strongest asset: Your reputation

The digital era brought with it plenty of advancement for e-commerce and technologically-inclined services. However, this is a double-edged sword as a single post on prominent consumer websites could indefinitely harm your reputation. There are over 2.7 billion Internet users in the world: if a negative comment (albeit fabricated or truth) is posted about your company, then the aforementioned figure could be witnesses to your virtual shaming. This would cause permanent damage to your company as online posts could remain available for a prolonged period of time. After all, very few customers will knowingly affiliate themselves with a tainted company.

Furthermore, Econsultancy emphasizes that word of mouth is the best recommendation a company could ever receive. In fact, 90% of online users trust references from people they know, 70% trust strangers, 27% trust subject-matter experts, 14% turn to advertising, and 8% believe celebrity endorsements.

These statements only strengthen the fact that your business and bottom line could be just as great as your reputation. If your reputation is damaged, then customers might stop knocking on your door.

How customer service helps

If you have a longstanding reputation as an upright company, then a negative post would not affect you as significantly. Your loyal customers could stand up for you and proceed to tout your merits while abolishing the allegations against you. However, you can only boast of having this advantage if you practice superb customer service.

Customer service draws a very fine line between an irate customer and a highly satisfied one. An irate customer would make his complaints known, while a satisfied customer will talk about his positive experiences. If your customers are unconditionally happy with your services, then they will be your own ambassador to more customers in the future.

Customer service is the secret to customer retention and acquisition as customers who trust businesses are more inclined to be up-soldor cross-soldproducts and services. Furthermore, satisfied customers will continue to support your business, time and time again.

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