Most brands aren’t even aware of their bad customer service habits. Because of this, they may be losing plenty of profits without realizing it.
To improve customer interactions, the first thing you must do is examine your current strategies with a critical eye. This will help you identify your performance gaps and enable you to build better communication approaches.
However, it’s not always easy to spot your own mistakes. In fact, even big brands are prone to committing even the most obvious customer support errors. To foster strong and meaningful relationships with your clientele, here are the five worst habits you must immediately stop.
1. Jumping on the bandwagon
Every now and then, new business trends are being formed to allow companies to cater to changing consumer expectations. You may feel pressured to conform to these trends especially if everybody else seems to be doing them.
However, mindlessly following the latest customer service fads, even if they sound impressive, can be detrimental to your brand. Before adopting new processes or ideas, make sure that they can add value to your current operations. They must also reflect your customers’ preferences and your organization’s values.
2. Ignoring customer insights
With so many ways to gather customer feedback, there’s no reason for companies to be clueless about people’s sentiments, wants, and needs. Chances are, you already have so many sources of customer insights available online, such as social media and review websites, but you’re not using them.
It’s also possible that you’re failing to turn these insights into actionable business strategies. Thus, you and your team must start to work on it. Listening to your customers and incorporating their opinions into your customer support and marketing plans is the only way to build a consumer-centric brand.
3. Focusing on speed over quality
Customer relationship experts everywhere are repeatedly emphasizing the value of fast services, and it’s easy to get caught up in the speed craze. After all, consumers nowadays want you to be present on several channels at once, including email, live chat, SMS, social media, and the phone.
But if your main goal is to impress customers or appear competent all the time, you may end up prioritizing speed over the quality of your interactions. The truth is, companies that deliver stellar services know that speed is just one aspect of the customer experience. You don’t need to hurry though each transaction, but you do need to solve problems completely and take care of every customer. Humanized and efficient services will always win over fast but valueless transactions.
4. Overworking your agents
Only happy call center agents can make customers happy. Those who aren’t—the burnt-out, disengaged ones—are a liability for every brand.
Before blaming your employees, however, you need to find out what’s causing this problem so you can solve it immediately. Chances are, it’s merely a symptom of more alarming issues, such as weak leadership and poor team management. Worse, you may already be overworking your agents just to cope with unreasonable amounts of workload. This leads to chronic stress and poor performance.
5. Relying too much on technology
Technology, along with tech-aided processes (e.g., data analytics, data mining), is revolutionizing customer support. But to leverage these sophisticated business solutions, companies must have all the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to make the most of these new technologies. Otherwise, they might end up spending a lot of time and money and still fail to generate the results they’re aiming for.
Before adopting new technologies, you must study them carefully and decide whether they’re aligned with your business strategies. Remember, all your tools and processes must help you achieve your goals. Otherwise, they may disrupt, rather than improve, your operations.