What Every Call Center Company in the Philippines Should Know About British and American Customers

OABPO Blog Team Published on June 19, 2014 Last updated on July 9, 2024

Any Philippine call center can cater to British and American customers. Here’s what these contact centers have to know about them.

Call center companies in the Philippines play a crucial role in providing customer service to clients from various corners of the world. Among the diverse clientele, British and American customers stand out due to their distinct cultural backgrounds and expectations.

There are certain ways that outsourcing firms can deal with customers from the US and UK. Fortunately, Filipino call center agents are adaptable to any type of customer. Still, it wouldn’t hurt to have a guide as to how Philippine call centers should go about this job.

Communication Styles and Preferences of British and American Customers

Both British and American customers share a preference for efficient and effective interactions. However, their ideal communication styles have distinct nuances that reflect their cultural backgrounds. Here’s a look at what they are:

  • British Customers

    British customers value politeness, professionalism, and a formal tone in their interactions. This cultural inclination extends to their customer service expectations.

    When communicating with British customers, call center agents should adopt a respectful and courteous demeanor. Addressing customers by their titles and using formal language sets the tone for a positive exchange.

    British customers also appreciate the art of subtlety, often preferring indirect language when expressing dissatisfaction or critique. This means call center agents must be attuned to subtle cues and nonverbal expressions.

    Additionally, patience and active listening play a significant role in communicating effectively with British customers. Taking the time to thoroughly understand their concerns and needs demonstrates a commitment to excellent customer service.

  • American Customers

    American customers, on the other hand, lean toward a direct and efficient communication style. Clarity and succinctness are highly valued, and they appreciate agents who get to the point promptly. When interacting with American customers, call center agents should provide clear and concise information right from the get-go.

    In addition, timeliness is a critical factor in communicating with American customers. They expect swift responses and efficient issue resolution. Therefore, agents should prioritize addressing the core of the issue and providing actionable solutions.

    Finally, Americans often prefer a friendly and casual tone, allowing for a more relaxed and open exchange. Demonstrating genuine interest in their concerns and being proactive in assisting them can go a long way in building rapport.

Popular Call Center Channels for British and American Customers

British and American customers exhibit distinct preferences when it comes to asking for assistance from brands. Understanding these preferences through the right call center channels can greatly improve their customer experience.

Here are the most preferred channels for the British:

  • Phone: Up to 88% of UK customers expect companies to always have their phone number ready. British consumers also expect to be fully assisted via phone within nine minutes.
  • Email: The expectations of British customers when it comes to email customer service remain high, despite the reduced sense of urgency in this channel. It is said that British people expect an email response within 2.6 hours.
  • Live chat: A significant 58% of UK consumers think brands should still have live chat support even when most of them would prefer the phone. However, their expectations for this channel are a bit low, with a one-hour window for brands to respond.
  • Messaging apps: Up to 37% of British customers want brands to be accessible via apps like WhatsApp and Telegram. These consumers expect companies to respond within 52 minutes and will not hesitate to let them know when their patience is waning.

Meanwhile, here are the customer service channels that most Americans resort to:

  • Phone: It was found that 76% of consumers in the US choose phone calls when contacting customer support due to the ease of use and quickness of resolutions.
  • SMS: Back in 2022, up to 70% of American customers opted to receive text messages from brands. Additionally, text messages have a 98% chance of being opened and read by consumers.
  • Email: Email support is still the most reliable asynchronous channel of communication between brands and consumers, with 61% of customer support teams preferring to use email alongside other channels.
  • Self-service: Up to 77% of US customers view brands more favorably if they have self-service portals.
  • Social media: With over half the world’s population having at least one social media account, it’s no wonder a lot of American customers would tag brands when they need help.

How Philippine Call Centers Should Interact with British and American Customers

Interacting with British and American customers requires a unique approach. Basically, agents should consider not only the cultural differences but also the distinct communication styles and expectations of these groups.

For call center agents in the Philippines, understanding the preferences and needs of British and American customers is essential to providing exceptional customer service. But other than that, here are some more tips on how to nail those interactions:

  1. Cultural Sensitivity and Respect

    When communicating with British and American customers, cultural sensitivity is highly important. Both cultures have unique norms, values, and etiquette that shape their communication preferences.

    British customers, for instance, often value formal and polite interactions. On the other hand, American customers generally appreciate a friendly and casual tone.

  2. Language Proficiency

    Language barriers can hinder effective communication and impact customer satisfaction. For British customers, clear articulation and a proper understanding of British English dialects are crucial.

    Similarly, American customers expect call center agents to be proficient in American English and comprehend idioms and colloquialisms. When call center agents possess strong language skills in both dialects, the clarity and efficiency of interactions is improved.

  3. Communication Styles

    The differences between British and American communication styles influence the way customer service interactions unfold. British customers often engage in more reserved and formal conversations, valuing a structured approach that addresses their concerns methodically.

    In contrast, American customers tend to prefer open and expressive dialogues that allow for more dynamic exchanges. Call center agents should, therefore, adapt their communication style based on the customer’s origin to ensure a comfortable and relatable interaction.

  4. Meeting Expectations

    Understanding and meeting customer expectations give way for customer satisfaction and loyalty. British customers may have a preference for thorough and detailed explanations for a more comprehensive understanding of their situation.

    On the other hand, American customers might prioritize efficiency and speed, expecting prompt solutions to their inquiries. Simply put, call center agents should strike a balance between these expectations to align with the preferences of each customer segment.

  5. Problem-Solving Approach

    Both British and American customers appreciate a proactive problem-solving approach that demonstrates a commitment to addressing their concerns. However, British customers may value a calm and patient resolution process, whereas American customers often respond well to assertive yet empathetic assistance.

  6. Personalization and Empathy

    Personalized interactions resonate strongly with both British and American customers. Hence, call center agents should keep understanding each customer’s unique needs and history to provide specialized solutions.

    Additionally, conveying empathy and understanding during interactions can create a sense of rapport and trust.

Outsourcing to a Call Center vs In-House Training for Serving British and American Customers

When it comes to serving British and American customers, call center companies in the Philippines face a pivotal decision: whether to opt for in-house training or to outsource to a call center.

Just like every other comparison, each approach comes with its own set of advantages and considerations. So, let’s explore the intricacies of in-house training versus outsourcing and how they can cater to British and American customers.

  • In-House Training

    In-house training involves developing and conducting customer service training programs within the business itself. This approach offers several advantages, starting with the ability to customize training modules to address the needs of British and American customers.

    Also, in-house training provides a direct channel for instilling the brand’s core values and customer service philosophy. Agents can be trained not only on communication skills but also on how to embody the brand’s ethos. As a result, there is a consistent representation of the brand in all interactions.

    Another advantage of in-house training is the ability to closely monitor employee performance and make real-time adjustments to protocols. Supervisors and trainers can observe interactions firsthand and provide immediate feedback and guidance.

  • Call Center Outsourcing

    On the other hand, outsourcing customer service to a call center in the Philippines offers a different set of benefits. For brands seeking to cater to British and American customers, outsourcing allows access to a pool of agents who have been trained in addressing the needs of these specific markets.

    Outsourcing partners often have extensive experience in catering to global clients. This makes them well-equipped to handle the cultural nuances and communication preferences of British and American customers.

    Outsourcing to a call center is also cost-efficient, as it eliminates the need to establish an in-house training infrastructure from scratch. In other words, the costs associated with recruitment, training, and maintaining a customer service team are streamlined.

    Moreover, a call center can provide the added advantage of a global perspective. Agents working in call centers that serve international clients are exposed to a diverse range of customer interactions. This allows them to develop a broader understanding of customer expectations and preferences.

    Furthermore, multilingual support is readily available in many outsourcing centers. As a result, agents can converse fluently with British and American customers, eliminating language barriers and enhancing customer satisfaction.

The Open Access BPO Difference

Open Access BPO is a premier outsourcing firm in the Philippines capable of providing excellent customer service to both British and American customers.

Founded in the US, Open Access BPO’s agents know how to cater to the needs of American customers. Meanwhile, the gentle warmth and politeness of Filipinos make Open Access BPO the perfect fit for brands that serve the formal and courteous British customers.

With nearly two decades of experience in the outsourcing industry, Open Access BPO has earned the trust of clients from various industries. A diverse workforce and an empowering work culture make the company one of the most reliable outsourcing firms in the Philippines.


In conclusion, the success of call center companies in the Philippines hinges on their ability to comprehend and adapt to the expectations of their British and American customers.

Call centers should strive to understand the cultural nuances, communication preferences, and customer expectations unique to each group. In doing so, they can provide exceptional customer service that results in heightened satisfaction.

The Philippines is one of the most prolific countries for quality call center operations. The bilingual proficiency of Filipino call center agents make outsourcing in the Philippines a perfect fit for your business, regardless of whether you’re catering to British or American customers.

Don t hesitate to contact a trusted firm like Open Access BPO to assist with providing the best customer service experience for your company. Our diverse and well-trained team is always ready to cater to your needs anytime.

Most Philippine outsourcing firms like Open Access BPO provide service to customers in English-speaking nations. What should call centers know about Western customers?

For having a close affinity with Western culture and an English-proficient bilingual workforce, the Philippines is a top choice for call center services outsourced by businesses from English-speaking countries, particularly the US and those within the UK. This is why Filipino call center agents need to know their customers well—what pleases them and pisses them off.

Who Quits Often and Who Shouts More?

scared agent from call center company in the Philippines holding help post it note

In a report, cloud applications provider NewVoiceMedia revealed that American customers tend to speak bad words more after an unpleasant transaction than their British counterparts. That same study found that UK customers are more likely to leave a brand that did them wrong.

Meanwhile, a compilation of statistics from Help Scout stated that 35% of American customers have become angry while talking to customer service. Most of their frustrations come from ineffective service, lack of speed, and explaining their problems to multiple people.

On the other hand, research from the Institute of Customer Service found that 17.3% of customers from the UK have experienced a product or service problem, the highest level seen since 2008.

Why These Matter to Every Call Center Company in the Philippines

Philippine outsourcing firms cater largely to British and American customers, so it’s a must to pulse the Western market’s consumer behavior and preferences. Good service is always imperative, as 68% of consumers say they’re willing to support a brand known for offering an excellent customer experience.

cx team in call center company in the Philippines in customer support assisting callers

It’s clear that the impact of disappointed customers can be fatal to a business, regardless of where they come from. Losing sources of revenues and gaining a negative reputation are both costly, so customer services representatives must be consistent in delivering superior service.

The Philippines is one of the most prolific countries for quality call center operations The bilingual proficiency of Filipino call center agents make outsourcing in the Philippines a perfect fit for your business.

Don’t hesitate to contact a trusted firm like Open Access BPO to assist with providing the best customer service experience for your company.


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