5 Positive emotional triggers that boost sales

Faith Ocampo Published on December 7, 2015 Last updated on November 24, 2023

Consumer psychology can be used to persuade customers to buy your products. Emotional marketing is the best example of this.

Emotions have a significant influence on consumer behavior. This is why tapping into the right emotional triggers can help you effectively boost your sales. Today, we will look into five key emotional triggers that have the potential to drive customer engagement and increase conversions.

Consumer Psychology and Sales

Exploring the dynamics of boosting sales involves a deep understanding of consumer psychology. This exploration seamlessly integrates emotional marketing and optimizes customer engagement.

To enhance sales, delving into the emotional triggers that drive purchasing decisions is essential. Hence, the use of emotional marketing in sales strategies capitalizes on consumer psychology.

  • The Role of Customer Engagement

    Customer engagement acts as a catalyst for sales success. Engaged customers are more likely to respond positively to sales strategies, make repeat purchases, and become brand advocates.

    In a sales context, personalized approaches enhance customer engagement by creating a more tailored experience. Recognizing the importance of personalization in sales strategies creates a stronger emotional connection, ultimately boosting the effectiveness of sales efforts.

  • Adapting to the Changing Landscape

    Adapting consumer psychology principles to sales strategies is crucial. Staying attuned to shifting emotional triggers and adapting approaches accordingly ensures that your business remains agile and responsive. This proactive stance maximizes the impact of sales initiatives.

Positive Emotional Trigger #1: Excitement

Excitement is a powerful emotion that can ignite a sense of anticipation and desire in your customers. When customers are excited about a product or service, they are more likely to make a purchase. One effective way to create excitement is through engaging marketing campaigns that capture attention and generate buzz.

  • Tips to Trigger Excitement

    Utilize eye-catching visuals, compelling copy, and interactive elements to create a sense of excitement around your offerings. Additionally, limited-time offers and exclusive deals can create a sense of urgency and FOMO (fear of missing out). This further fuels customers’ desire to take action.

    To leverage the excitement emotional trigger, highlight the unique features and benefits of your products or services. Showcase how your offerings can solve problems or enhance customers’ lives, and emphasize the positive outcomes they can expect.

    Basically, paint a vivid picture of the experience customers will have with your brand. That way, you can evoke excitement and motivate them to make a purchase.

Positive Emotional Trigger #2: Trust

Trust is the foundation of any successful customer relationship. When customers trust your brand, they are more likely to recommend your products or services to others. Building trust requires consistent delivery of high-quality products or services, transparent communication, and responsive customer support.

  • Tips to Build Trust

    To build trust, ensure that your products or services consistently meet or exceed customer expectations. Additionally, be transparent about your business practices, including pricing, policies, and any potential limitations. Also, provide clear and timely communication to address customer inquiries or concerns promptly.

    Implement a robust customer support system that is easily accessible and responsive. Keep in mind that consistently delivering on your promises builds trust and establishes long-lasting relationships.

    Collecting and showcasing customer testimonials and reviews can also play a crucial role in building trust. Positive feedback from satisfied customers acts as social proof, assuring potential buyers that they can trust your brand.

Positive Emotional Trigger #3: Desire

Desire is a powerful emotion that can fuel sales. If you position your products or services as desirable, you can create a strong preference for what you offer. Therefore, effective product positioning and persuasive messaging are key to generating desire.

  • Tips to Trigger Desire

    Begin by understanding your target audience’s needs, desires, and pain points. Tailor your messaging to highlight how your products or services fulfill those needs and desires.

    Emphasize the unique value proposition of your offerings and articulate the benefits customers can experience by choosing your brand. For example, you can use captivating storytelling techniques that evoke emotions among your customers.

    Creating a sense of exclusivity and scarcity can also amplify desire. Limited edition or exclusive products or services can generate a sense of urgency. They also make customers feel they are part of an exclusive group.

    In other words, create a perception that your offerings are in high demand and might not be available forever. Leveraging scarcity and exclusivity intensifies your customers’ desire to own what you offer.

Positive Emotional Trigger #4: Joy

Harnessing the emotion of joy can create memorable and positive customer experiences that lead to increased sales. Infusing joy into your sales process, you can leave a lasting impression on your customers. In fact, joyful experiences generate positive word-of-mouth and foster customer loyalty.

  • Tips to Bring Out Joy

    Focus on creating delightful interactions throughout the customer journey. From the moment customers discover your brand, aim to exceed their expectations and bring a smile to their faces.

    Personalization also plays a crucial role in delivering joyful experiences. Tailor your interactions and communications to reflect customers’ preferences and interests. Surprise and delight customers with unexpected gestures, such as handwritten thank-you notes, small gifts, or personalized recommendations.

    Additionally, prioritize user-friendly and intuitive experiences. Streamline your website navigation, optimize your checkout process, and provide prompt and helpful customer support. Make sure your customers effortlessly navigate your digital or physical channels and receive quick and efficient assistance. Doing so enhances their overall experience.

Positive Emotional Trigger #5: Belonging

Humans have an inherent need for belonging, and leveraging this emotional trigger can significantly impact sales. Therefore, by building a sense of community around your brand, you can foster customer engagement, loyalty, and advocacy. When customers feel they belong to a community, they are more likely to support your brand and become loyal advocates.

  • Tips to Create a Sense of Belonging

    Create opportunities for customers to connect with each other and with your brand. For instance, you could encourage user-generated content, such as testimonials, reviews, or social media posts featuring your products or services. Showcase this content on your website or social media platforms to highlight the community that surrounds your brand.

    Host events, both online and offline, where customers can interact with each other and your brand representatives. These events can include webinars, workshops, networking sessions, or customer appreciation events.

    Facilitating connections and fostering a sense of belonging creates a loyal customer base. They are then more likely to make repeat purchases and actively promote your brand to others.

Examples of Brands that Captured the Positive Emotions of Customers

The best way to learn how to evoke the positive emotional triggers of customers is to look at how other brands do it. Here are a few examples of real-life brands that successfully capture positive emotions to boost sales:

  1. Apple

    Apple is renowned for evoking excitement and desire among its customers. Their product launches generate a tremendous buzz, with people eagerly anticipating the unveiling of the latest iPhone or MacBook.

    In addition, Apple’s sleek and innovative designs, coupled with their powerful marketing campaigns, create a sense of excitement and desire among customers. This drives them to purchase their products.

  2. Airbnb

    Airbnb taps into the emotions of trust and belonging. Specifically, offering unique and personalized accommodations allows travelers to feel like they belong in the places they visit.

    Through their user-generated reviews and ratings system, Airbnb establishes trust among hosts and guests, fostering a sense of reliability. This emotional connection encourages customers to choose Airbnb over traditional accommodations and contributes to their sales growth.

  3. Coca-Cola

    Coca-Cola is a brand that consistently evokes joy and happiness. Through their heartwarming advertisements and campaigns centered around sharing moments of joy, Coca-Cola creates an emotional connection with its customers.

    In addition, their messages of togetherness and celebration resonate with people. In fact, their iconic holiday campaigns, such as the Coca-Cola Christmas commercials, have become a tradition that sparks joy.

  4. Nike

    Nike is a brand that effectively captures the emotions of empowerment and desire. Their marketing campaigns inspire customers to push their limits, overcome obstacles, and pursue their goals. Specifically, Nike’s iconic slogan, “Just Do It,” resonates with individuals seeking motivation and self-improvement.

    Associating their brand with inspirational athletes and compelling storytelling helps Nike cultivate a strong emotional connection with customers. This, of course, leads to increased sales of their athletic apparel and footwear.

  5. Starbucks

    Starbucks creates a sense of belonging and community among its customers. Their cozy store ambiance, plus their personalized customer service, encourages customers to feel like they belong to the Starbucks community.

    Starbucks also fosters a sense of belonging through their loyalty program, which offers rewards and exclusive benefits to loyal customers. Through this emotional connection, Starbucks drives repeat visits, customer loyalty, and ultimately, sales growth.

How Outsourcing Capitalizes on These Emotions

Outsourcing can be a valuable strategy to capitalize on the positive emotions mentioned earlier and boost your business’s sales numbers. Partnering with a reliable outsourcing provider allows you to leverage their expertise and resources to create impactful customer experiences.

Here’s how outsourcing can help you capitalize on each of these emotions:

  • Excitement

    First, outsourcing can infuse excitement into your sales strategies by providing access to technology, marketing techniques, and customer engagement approaches.

    An outsourcing partner can bring fresh ideas and perspectives to your marketing campaigns. In particular, your partner can help you create captivating visuals, compelling copy, and interactive elements that generate excitement.

    Your partner can also develop limited-time offers and exclusive deals that create a sense of urgency among your target audience. Additionally, outsourcing can enable you to tap into new markets, which can naturally generate excitement among potential customers.

  • Trust

    Outsourcing customer support services can also enhance trust-building efforts by ensuring consistent and reliable interactions with your customers.

    A well-trained outsourced customer support team can provide prompt, accurate, and personalized assistance, instilling confidence in your brand. Their expertise in handling customer inquiries, resolving issues, and maintaining transparency can help build trust throughout the customer journey.

    Outsourcing providers often have established quality assurance processes in place to ensure that customer interactions align with your brand values and meet the highest standards. Through their expertise, you can enhance the trust-building aspects of your customer support efforts. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction, loyalty, and ultimately, higher sales.

  • Desire

    Outsourcing can help create a sense of desire by optimizing your product positioning and messaging.

    A skilled outsourced marketing team will first conduct thorough market research. After that, they will identify customer needs and desires. Finally, they can tailor your messaging to align with those aspirations. Their compelling narratives, unique value propositions, and persuasive content ultimately tap into customers’ desires.

    Furthermore, outsourcing can provide valuable insights into customer preferences and market trends. Through data analytics and consumer research, an outsourcing partner can help you identify emerging desires and adapt your offerings accordingly.

  • Joy

    Outsourcing can also contribute to creating joyful customer experiences by optimizing various touch points along the customer journey.

    For instance, outsourcing website development and design can result in user-friendly interfaces and visually appealing layouts. This experience can evoke joy among your website visitors, encouraging them to engage with your brand, and make purchases.

    Moreover, outsourcing fulfillment and logistics services can ensure efficient order processing, timely delivery, and hassle-free returns or exchanges. When customers receive their orders promptly, it enhances their overall experience and contributes to a joyful shopping journey.

  • Belonging

    Finally, outsourcing can create a sense of belonging by leveraging community-building strategies. An outsourced social media management team can engage with your audience and encourage user-generated content.

    Fostering online communities around your brand allows you to create a sense of belonging. It also enables customers to connect with like-minded individuals who share their experiences and interests.

    Outsourcing providers can also assist in organizing virtual or in-person events, such as webinars, workshops, or customer appreciation gatherings. Through these events, customers can come together, share their stories, and strengthen their connection with your brand.

Key Takeaways

Emotions have a profound influence on customer behavior. Therefore, understanding and harnessing positive emotional triggers enables you to boost your sales and drive business growth. Excitement, trust, desire, joy, and belonging are powerful emotions that, when effectively leveraged, can create engaging and compelling sales experiences.

Make sure to incorporate these emotional triggers into your marketing and sales strategies. In doing so, you can forge strong connections with your target audience, increase conversions, and build a loyal customer base that supports your business in the long run.

Outsourcing to Open Access BPO can help boost your sales further by showing your business how effective positive emotional triggers are in boosting your sales. Our expertise in multilingual customer experience empowers your brand to connect stronger with your customer base.

Open Access BPO knows that speaking your customers’ language helps with better communication and builds trust. We are also adept at making customers smile and feel valued with every interaction. So what are you waiting for? Contact us today to begin your partnership with Open Access BPO!


Several research studies have dissected the science of human emotions and their links to purchasing decisions. We now know where effective marketing messages borrow their power from. The not-so-shocking secret has always been our capacity to “feel” and then act on those triggers.

That emotions are the most powerful drivers of action isn t something new. All successful marketers would attest to the crucial role of emotion-targeted strategies in building a big customer base. Tapping into customers emotions through a combination of marketing and customer service strategies can boost sales and enhance customer experience.

Why focus on positive triggers


Both positive and negative emotions can move consumers to action.
Picture this example: An insurance company wants to create a marketing message to gain more clients. They re choosing between two taglines:

•     “Don’t retire bankrupt!” (induces fear)
•     “Retirement is not the end. Go and travel the world!” (associated with happiness and reward)

Both messages could work, depending on the target audience. But if you want people to talk about you, try to avoid negative messages. A study found that negative emotions are less commonly associated with the most shared online content. In contrast, positive emotions are more common among viral blog posts.

If you’re thinking of positive emotions that can be incorporated into your marketing and customer service strategies, check out the list below.

1. Trust


If the competition in your industry is too high, gaining your customers’ trust can give you an edge. It sets the customers expectations and gives them a compelling reason to choose you over your competitors.

For example, health brands promote their products by using labels like “No added preservatives,” “Cholesterol-free,” and “0% Trans Fat.” Other examples of trust-targeted marketing messages are as follows:

•     No hidden charges!
•     Certified by [a name of a reputable organization]
•     Easy returns and refunds!

2. Trendsetting

The idea of being trendy is very much appealing to customers, and it’s often a huge factor that influences them to make a purchase. This is why many brands work with celebrities and popular figures to endorse their products. Celebrities as spokespersons act as the trendsetters. Either subtly or directly, they tell the crowd what s in, what s new, and why they should go for a certain product.

3. Leadership

A lot of consumers want to be the first in getting their hands on new items. Marketing messages that are based on urgency and leadership such as “First 50 customers will get a special discount” can evoke strong responses from your target audience.

Leadership-targeted messages are also useful when you re launching a new product. Phrases such as “Be the first to experience our innovation. We ll be launching them tomorrow!” can create a feeling of excitement among consumers.

4. Sense of belonging


Nobody wants to feel left out. Often, customers make purchases because they want to feel like they belong to a group. Some examples are:

•     You’re part of our success.
•     Welcome to the family!
•     Celebrate with us!

There are different platforms where you can convey your marketing messages, but they ll be even more powerful if you incorporate them into your customer service strategies. Sure, it may sound like mere sales talk, but the right way of delivery can make your messages sound stronger and more compelling.

Faith is a digital media enthusiast aiming to become an active part of the tech world by sharing her insights. She likes to blog about everything digimarketing, technology, and social media.
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