5 Customer service myths you should stop believing

Faith Ocampo Published on May 5, 2017

While doing your own research is a great idea, unknowingly believing some customer service myths may throw you off.

Customer service has the power to make or break the success of an organization. Unfortunately, there are several customer service myths that can hinder its effectiveness.

Today, we will debunk five common customer service misconceptions that you should stop believing. Understanding these myths and the realities behind them can enhance your customer service practices and foster better customer relationships.

Let’s start with the most infamous customer service myth of all time:

Myth #1: “The customer is always right”

The phrase “the customer is always right” has been ingrained in our minds as the golden rule of customer service. However, this myth can lead to common customer service mistakes. While satisfying customers is crucial, it’s also essential to balance meeting customer needs and addressing business limitations.

It is more productive to approach customer interactions with respect and empathy. Therefore, you should seek mutually beneficial resolutions that align with both the customer’s expectations and your organization’s capabilities.

  • The Power of Active Listening

    When customers bring forth complaints or concerns, it is important to listen actively and empathize with their perspective. However, do not assume that every customer’s viewpoint is an absolute truth. In doing so, you might fall prey to false customer service beliefs.

    In instances where customer demands diverge from your company’s policies or financial feasibility, transparency becomes key. Openly communicating the rationale behind your decisions helps manage expectations. This approach aligns with customer service best practices by fostering respectful and empathetic communication.

    Also, focusing on respectful and empathetic communication creates a more constructive approach to customer service. This acknowledges the importance of customer satisfaction while also recognizing the limitations of your business.

Myth #2: “Only unhappy customers provide feedback”

One of the common customer service mistakes from businesses is assuming that only dissatisfied customers provide feedback. Of course, this customer service myth overlooks the valuable insights that satisfied customers can offer.

Feedback from happy customers can uncover opportunities for improvement, identify strengths to leverage, and provide valuable testimonials for your organization.

Embracing customer service best practices involves recognizing the value of feedback from happy customers. Challenging false customer service beliefs turns insights into a powerful tool for improvement and validation.

Happy customers who provide positive feedback are often your brand advocates. Their feedback can highlight the specific aspects of your offerings that resonate with them and differentiate you from competitors.

  • Let your Happy Customers do the talking, too

    Through actively seeking feedback from satisfied customers, you not only reinforce their positive experience. You also gain valuable insights into what you are doing right.

    This feedback can inform your marketing strategies and help identify areas of strength to emphasize. However, positive feedback can also guide product development or service enhancements to better cater to customer preferences.

    To encourage proactive feedback, make it easy for customers to provide their input. You can do this by introducing various channels such as surveys, online reviews, or dedicated feedback forms on your website.

    Also, recognize and appreciate customers who take the time to provide feedback by offering incentives or expressing gratitude. Valuing customer feedback dispels customer service myths and demonstrates your commitment to providing exceptional experiences.

Myth #3: “Customer service is solely the responsibility of the customer support team”

Customer service is not a department but rather an organizational mindset. Believing that this responsibility falls solely on the shoulders of the support team leads to common customer service mistakes.

Every employee, regardless of their role, plays a part in delivering excellent customer service. From sales and marketing to product development and beyond, each department should be aligned in creating a customer-centric culture. This shift in perspective challenges prevailing customer service myths and promotes a more holistic approach to customer satisfaction.

Embracing this mindset enables seamless collaboration and empowers every team member to contribute to the overall customer experience.

  • How Everyone can Contribute

    Sales and marketing teams play a crucial role in shaping the customer’s perception of your brand. Clear and accurate communication during the sales process can help set realistic expectations.

    If sales and marketing teams adhere to customer service best practices, they make sure that customers are satisfied with their purchase. Marketing efforts should align with the promises made to customers, reinforcing their trust in your brand.

    Product development teams also have a significant impact on customer service. Considering the needs and preferences of your target audience helps you create products that meet their expectations and provide value. Involving customer feedback in product iterations helps ensure that your offerings remain relevant and customer-focused.

    Furthermore, fostering a customer-centric culture requires ongoing training and education for all employees. Provide them with the necessary tools and knowledge to understand customer needs, handle inquiries effectively, and provide personalized solutions. This strengthens customer service capabilities and prevents false customer service beliefs from taking root.

Myth #4: “Technology can replace human customer service”

Technology continues to advance at a rapid pace. With it comes another one of those false customer service beliefs: automation and artificial intelligence can replace human interaction. While technology can enhance efficiency and streamline certain processes, it cannot replace the human touch and empathy that customers seek.

Human customer service agents can provide personalized attention, emotional support, and creative problem-solving. Such things are difficult to replicate through automated systems. Therefore, striking a balance between technology and human interaction is key to delivering exceptional customer service.

Technology plays a role in supporting customer service by automating repetitive tasks, providing self-service options, and enabling efficient communication channels. Chatbots and virtual assistants, for example, can handle basic inquiries and provide quick responses. However, it is important to remember that technology should complement human interaction, not replace it.

  • The Advantage of Human Customer Service

    There will always be situations where customers require personalized attention or face unique challenges that require human intervention. Customer service best practices are essential in understanding and addressing emotions, building rapport, and finding appropriate solutions.

    Human customer service agents have the ability to adapt their approach based on the customer’s specific needs. This human connection builds trust and strengthens the customer’s relationship with your brand.

    Using technology as a tool to enhance customer service, you can improve efficiency, provide self-service options, and offer timely responses. However, maintaining the human element in customer interactions is vital for building meaningful connections and disproving customer service myths about the risks of technology.

Myth #5: “Customer service is only necessary for resolving complaints”

Another one of the most egregious false customer service beliefs is that customer support is a reactive measure for complaints. However, this limited perspective overlooks the proactive role that customer service can play in building long-lasting relationships.

Engaging with customers proactively, even in the absence of complaints, can lead to increased loyalty and advocacy. Hence, dispelling customer service myths like customer support only being reactive demonstrates that your organization cares about its customers.

  • Be There Before Customers Need You There

    Proactive customer service initiatives are valuable for nurturing ongoing relationships with your customers. For example, sending recommendations based on their purchase history or preferences shows that you are attentive to their needs. Also, providing relevant and timely information demonstrates your expertise and positions your brand as a trusted resource.

    Another proactive approach is to anticipate and address potential issues before they become major concerns. Proactively communicating changes to your products, services, or policies can help alleviate confusion and dissatisfaction. Keeping customers informed and engaged to build trust and loyalty with them.

    In addition, actively seeking feedback from customers can uncover valuable insights and provide opportunities for improvement. Surveys, focus groups, or feedback forms can help you gauge customer satisfaction. However, they can also help identify areas for enhancement and tailor your offerings to meet their changing needs.

How Outsourcing can Help You Against Customer Service Myths

Outsourcing has become a popular solution for businesses seeking to improve their customer service best practices. Besides that, this practice also helps you divert from various customer service myths.

Through a reputable outsourcing provider, you can leverage the expertise, resources, and specialized knowledge to transform your customer service operations. Let’s explore how outsourcing can help address each of the customer service myths we discussed earlier.

  1. The Customer isn’t always right

    Outsourcing can help you strike a balance between meeting customer needs and aligning them with your business limitations.

    A skilled outsourcing team understands the importance of customer service best practices. As such, customer support staff have the experience to handle challenging situations with empathy and professionalism. They can provide valuable insights on managing customer expectations while ensuring that your organization’s policies and values are respected.

    Outsourcing providers often have dedicated quality assurance processes in place to review customer interactions and ensure consistent and respectful communication. Partner with them to access their expertise in handling customer complaints and finding mutually beneficial solutions.

    This collaborative approach promotes transparency and open communication. As a result, you maintain a strong customer focus while managing customer expectations realistically. Plus, you can finally get rid of one of the most offensive false customer service beliefs out there.

  2. Any Customer can provide Feedback

    Outsourcing providers understand just how valuable gathering feedback from all customers is, regardless of their satisfaction level. They can help you implement robust feedback mechanisms to capture insights from both happy and dissatisfied customers.

    Using their expertise in data analysis and customer sentiment analysis, you can gain a holistic understanding of your customers’ experiences. You can also make data-driven decisions to improve your products, services, and customer interactions. In doing so, you prevent committing common customer service mistakes.

    Outsourcing partners also have experience in managing feedback and actively engaging with customers to address their concerns. They can help you establish proactive communication channels to ensure that their voices are heard.

  3. Customer Service is Everyone’s Responsibility

    When you outsource, you gain access to a team of professionals trained in customer service best practices. They become an extension of your brand, working synergistically with your internal teams to provide a consistent customer experience.

    More specifically, they collaborate closely with your sales, marketing, and product development teams. Because of this, outsourcing providers ensure that everyone shares the responsibility of delivering exceptional service and disregarding customer service myths.

    Also, outsourcing providers can align their strategies and processes with your brand values and customer service goals. They can work hand in hand with your sales and marketing teams to ensure that messaging is consistent across all touchpoints.

    Make sure to involve them in product development discussions to tap into their customer insights. You can use those pieces of information to shape your offerings and enhance the customer experience.

  4. Technology will assist, not replace, Human Customer Service

    Outsourcing providers leverage technology to enhance customer service operations without compromising the human touch. In other words, they have no room for false customer service beliefs surrounding technology.

    They utilize advanced customer relationship management (CRM) systems, automated chatbots, and other tools to streamline processes and provide quick responses. These technologies can handle routine inquiries, freeing up human agents to focus on more complex and personalized interactions.

    However, outsourcing providers understand the value of human interaction and the emotional connection it creates with customers. They ensure that their agents are trained to empathize, actively listen, and provide personalized solutions. They combine technology with the human touch to deliver a seamless and empathetic customer experience.

  5. Customer Service is more than just Resolving Complaints

    Outsourcing providers recognize that customer service goes beyond complaint resolution. They understand the importance of proactive engagement and fostering long-term relationships. Outsourcing firms can help you design and implement customer engagement strategies that include personalized recommendations, loyalty programs, and relevant communications.

    Through outsourcing customer service, you can tap into the expertise of professionals who are well-versed in customer service best practices. They can help you implement customer retention initiatives to nurture relationships with your customers. Their proactive approach ensures that customers feel valued and engaged even when they are not facing immediate issues.


It is crucial to debunk these customer service myths to establish a customer-centric culture and deliver exceptional experiences. Letting go of these false customer service beliefs, you can improve the effectiveness of your customer service efforts.

Remember, exceptional customer service is not just about addressing complaints or resolving issues; it is about creating positive interactions, fostering trust, and building long-term relationships.

Challenge these myths and implement customer-centric strategies to elevate your customer service best practices. Prioritize customer satisfaction, communicate effectively, and consistently exceed customer expectations to cultivate loyal customers.

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shocked office employee in red doing x hand gestures

What does it really take to deliver great customer service?

If you’re aiming to create memorable customer experiences and impress your clientele, your business strategies must be anchored on sound principles. Here are the five myths about customer service that you should immediately avoid.

1.     Great customer service means putting the customer first.

smiling office worker hugging globe

The truth is, great service starts with engaged and happy employees. You can’t take care of your customers without first empowering your own staff. Demotivated customer support agents won’t be able to devote their focus and abilities to their tasks, which translates to poor performance.

If you want to build a customer-centric call center, the key is to boost employee engagement. Create an organizational culture that values and recognizes the contribution of your employees. Invest in your people by training them, giving them growth opportunities, and treating them as valuable assets instead of dispensable commodities.


2.     Great customer service starts with strict policies.

strict woman in glasses arms crossed

Many brands think that having a set of policies for customer interaction is enough to deliver a positive customer experience. What would be more helpful, however, is forming and following a business philosophy. When your employees understand your core values, they’ll be able to align their performance and decisions to your vision. This lets companies create a consistent branding and high-quality services to their clientele.


3.     Great customer service is about speed.

panicking young employee shocked holding alarm clock

This one seems to be one of the most common misconceptions about customer support. In an age of immediacy, call centers are struggling to deliver fast, responsive, and hassle-free services. But often, customers prize efficiency over speed. In fact, fast services can give birth to plenty of mistakes, thus resulting to a poor experience.

Instead of putting unnecessary focusing on speed, you may want to prioritize other aspects of your performance. For instance, strive for higher first call resolution rates instead of obsessing over average handle time. This ensures that customers are receiving effective solutions to their issues.


4.     Great customer service is about responsiveness.

motivated call center agent speaking to customer

While responsiveness—or being there for customers when they need you—is a critical ingredient of customer care, it’s far from being its most accurate measure. Brands should focus more on being proactive, instead of just being responsive. That would entail anticipating customers’ needs and taking the initiative to reach out to them. This is a more powerful way to assure customers that you genuinely care about them.


5.     Great customer service means believing that customers are always right.

proud arrogant young man making call on smartphone

The business philosophy that goes “The customer is always right” revolves around the idea that brands should do everything they can for a customer. But when this requires breaking one of your policies or being unfair to your other customers, you should decline a customer’s request.

However, regardless of what kind of customer interaction you find yourself in, always treat your customers with respect. Be willing to engage in a healthy and open discussion to achieve a common understanding. Doing this can go a long way in helping you build meaningful relationships.


Faith is a digital media enthusiast aiming to become an active part of the tech world by sharing her insights. She likes to blog about everything digimarketing, technology, and social media.
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